An American Kestrel leaps from her perch in pursuit of a grasshopper.

This Brown Creeper was spiraling up a tree on the sidewalk in front of the parking limit sign.

The Brown Rat found a container with some leftover food, but didn't have much luck getting it through the fence.

This was the first Pink-Sided specimen of Dark-Eyed Junco that I ever saw. In Maine and grwoing up in NJ I frequently saw the slate colored race, so this was a double treat.

The Ruby-Crowned Kinglet (and it's Golden-Crowned cousin) are two of my favorite birds. They are very small, smaller than a chickadee, and they are frenetic. It is a challenge to catch them. I joke that they know that the beep the camera emits when focus has locked is their cue to move.

This juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk was perched on a streetlight in the park. It watched the garden for its quarry and then dove into the bushes and caught a Brown Rat. It brought the rat across the street to the parking deck at the community college and that was where it ate its catch. (Video is on available on my facebook page, but be forewarned that it is graphic.)

This Northern Mockingbird is one of a handful that I have seen in the park, but he seems to be the alpha male. I've watch him chase off other birds and defend his fruit bearing trees. While he's taking a break now, Mockingbirds sing from in the months leading up to spring almost until winter, and at least one of these birds was singing throughout the night all summer long.

Baldwin Park gets a lot of Gray Catbirds, another species of mimic, throughout the spring, summer and fall. But when I spied this Brown Thrasher in September, I was able to cross all three mimics off of my list for the park.

This American Goldfinch was a member of a large flock that descended on the park when the coneflowers beared their seeds. Once the seeds were gone, so was the flock.

Kicking around in the leaf litter and entering some good light too...