I rescued a Yellow Warbler that had a run in with the window. After holding it for several minutes I tried to coax it into a box with some tissue paper to keep it in a warm dark place to recover for a while. It didn't want to leave my palm.

After the bird pooped in my hand, I didn't give it an option so with a little coaxing it perched on the edge of the box.

After about 15 minutes, the Yellow Warbler flew up to the window and gripped the string for raising and lowering the blinds. Since it seemed interested in the outdoors, I tried to coax it back into the box for transport. Instead, it perched on my shoulder.

I went into the bathroom because it was a confined space and tried to get the bird to go in the box, but ultimately was able to get it to perch in my hand again. I covered it and escorted it to the garden.

Once in the garden I opened my hands and it seemed content to stick around for a few minutes before flying off towards Baldwin Park.

Flushed from the garden a few times, I found this Woodcock had an eye injury. With the help of a friend, Carolyn, this bird was brought to the Schuylkill Center for Wildlife.

A Mockingbird harassing a Red-Tailed Hakw lands on its tail as it sails over Logan Square.