Yellow-Crowned Night Herons
Dad gets a stick to help maintain the nest. Mom is about to grab it here and you can see there are two chicks and two eggs still to hatch in the nest.
Tri-Colored Heron
Fast Food
A Yellow-Rumped Warbler devours some termites.
Don't Bite The Head That Feeds You
Northern Rough-Winged Swallows - Penn St. Bike Trail, Philadelphia, PA
Death From Above
Osprey - Little Creek, DE
The Sentry
A Juvenile Red-Tailed Hawk that I discovered in the trees in front of the main entrance to my apartment building in Center City, Philadelphia.
Lovey Dovies
This Mourning Dove used the nest built lats year by the Robin in the next image. This was her second brood. She had 3 chicks this time and fledged her last offspring mid-April.
Robin Nest - Philadelphia, PA
American Oystercatcher
(Est. Population - 11,000)
Purple Sandpiper
Glossy Ibis - Atlantic County, NJ
Bald Eagle
Heinz Wildlife Refuge
Harlequin Duck
Peregrine Falcon
The fastest animal on the planet...
Black is the new Gray
A melanistic squirrel.
Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker
FDR Park - Philadelphia, PA